8:45 am - 10:00 am

Opening Plenary: Financing the Decarbonization of the Built Environment – Public, Private & Tax Credit Resources

Decarbonizing the built environment requires technical and operational innovation. Beyond that challenge is the financial investment necessary to implement this transformation at scale. This conference plenary will bring leading voices together to explain how public (federal, state, and local) and private financing are being structured to catalyze this transformation.

Andy Hammons Andy Hammons Ryan Company
Marc Daudon Marc Daudon The Caspian Group
Molly McCabe Molly McCabe HaydenTanner
Jigar Shah Jigar Shah US Department of Energy
Ash Awad Ash Awad McKinstry
10:00 am - 10:30 am

Sponsor Breakout Rooms

Conference sponsors will be available for informal discussion in separate breakout rooms. You can ask questions, get information, and introduce yourself to key team members.

10:30 am - 11:45 am

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings as a Utility Resource

Electrification of the built environment will place unprecedented requirements on the nation’s electric utility system. That same system is simultaneously working to reduce, then eliminate, fossil fuels from its supply mix. The built environment offers a critical success path for utilities by incorporating demand flexibility strategies such as grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs). This panel brings together leading voices from utilities and national laboratories on how the new utility-customer relationship is evolving and how the built environment holds the key to utility system reliability and adequacy in the age of decarbonization.

Brittainy Pond Brittainy Pond Puget Sound Energy
Albert Chiu Albert Chiu Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Mark Martinez Mark Martinez Southern California Edison
Jingjing Liu Jingjing Liu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
David Logsdon David Logsdon Seattle City Light
10:30 am - 11:45 am

Indoor Environmental Quality – Field Results Inform Operational Practices

If you attended SBX 2023, you know that this elite panel discussed some of the cutting-edge investigations into how the indoor environment affects human health, productivity, and well-being and the necessity for real building data on a variety of indoor air markers. SBX 2024 is pleased to bring back this group of internationally recognized experts to report on their progress in obtaining real building data and how that information can help building owners and operators provide healthy and productive indoor environments.

Vivian Loftness Vivian Loftness Carnegie Mellon University
Seema Bhangar Seema Bhangar US Green Building Council
Christopher Meek Christopher Meek Integrated Design Lab
Stephanie Taylor Stephanie Taylor Building4Health, Inc (B4H)
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Campus Scale Decarbonization – Planning & Implementation for Healthcare, University & Corporate Campuses

Campus environments – be it university, school, healthcare or corporate – represent both unique challenges and opportunities for scaling carbon reduction. Multiple buildings often sharing central plant services with legacy fossil fuel sources require careful planning and innovation in technical execution. This panel will focus on real life experience of campus decarbonization efforts from road mapping to implementation.

Greg Hough Greg Hough Western Washington University
Baha Sadreddin Baha Sadreddin Microsoft
Chris Olmsted Chris Olmsted Creative Energy
Tom Marseille Tom Marseille Sazan Group
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Making Buildings Smarter – Live Demonstration

This session offers attendees a live demonstration of one office’s smart system approach – from the occupant experience at the entrance door through dynamic control of HVAC and lighting, to optimizing janitorial services. Following a live demonstration (presented virtually, of course) an expert panel drawn from both facility managers and the architectural community will discuss the benefits of this approach.

Jay Martin Jay Martin Overcast Innovations
Craig Engelbrecht Craig Engelbrecht LONG Building Technologies
9:00 am - 10:15 am

Opening Plenary: Innovations for an Electrified & Decarbonized Future – Technology, Construction, Finance & Policy

Success in transforming the built environment from a carbon problem to a carbon solution requires innovation. This is especially true for existing buildings as they are retrofitted and re-purposed for an electrified and decarbonized future. The question is – are we innovating fast enough and at a deployable scale to get where we need to go. This panel will examine the technology innovations that can help lead the transformative process for the built environment.

Lucas Toffoli Lucas Toffoli RMI
Celeste Tell Celeste Tell Epicycled
Allen Preger Allen Preger Building Ventures
10:15 am - 10:45 am

Sponsor Breakout Rooms

Conference sponsors will be available for informal discussion in separate breakout rooms. You can ask questions, get information, and introduce yourself to key team members.

10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Building Owner/Manager Guide to Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings – Is Demand Flexibility Right for You?

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs) and demand flexibility generally are key utility strategies for decarbonizing the electric utility system (see SBX 2024 Day 1 session on GEBs). The customer-side experience of GEBs deployment is the mirror image of this strategy. What is required of building owners and operators to do GEBs, what are the implications for daily operation, and what are the costs and benefits from GEBs deployment? This panel will look at three regions of the country where GEBs buildings are up and running.

Courtney Blodgett Courtney Blodgett Edo
Tanya Barham Tanya Barham Community Energy Labs
10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Choosing the Smart Building Platform Right for You

It’s a jungle out there. There seems to be an endless choice of smart building platforms from which to choose, but how does an owner/manager make the choice that is best for their own situation? This session is designed to help you make a good assessment of your own needs and then select the type of product that works best for you – now and into the future. Spoiler alert – one size does not fit all.

Kyle Tooke Kyle Tooke DB Engineering
Joe Wilkinson Joe Wilkinson ATS
Drew DePriest Drew DePriest McKesson
Trevor Sodoroff Trevor Sodoroff MSIe
Reed Powell Reed Powell MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Fault Detection & Diagnostics – Real World Lessons for Field Service

Fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) is now a rather common feature in commercial and institutional buildings. New research by a national laboratory provides key insights into the quantity, common occurrence, and persistence of faults in buildings that has big implications for both building operators and FDD software developers. This session will examine the field data and what it means for field service personnel from both third party providers and for resident building operations staff.

Jessica Granderson Jessica Granderson Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jeremy Richmond Jeremy Richmond MSIe
Reed Powell Reed Powell MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Reporting – Losing the Acronym, Improving the Result

ESG reporting is going through a much-needed re-examination in light of the necessity to show real and quantifiable progress in the area of energy performance and carbon emission reductions. This panel will abandon the hyperbole and politics of ESG terminology and focus a conversation on successful reporting metrics for building performance.

Jeff Hughes Jeff Hughes McKinstry
Josie Hart Josie Hart Denver Botanic Gardens
Drew Halpern Drew Halpern City & County of Denver
Scott Morrissey Scott Morrissey Denver International Airport
8:00 am - 9:00 am

Registration & Networking

9:00 am - 9:30 am

Keynote Address

9:30 am - 10:45 am Pacific Tower, Seattle

Building Performance Standards – How Jurisdictions are Structuring Requirements

An elite panel from jurisdictions in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington will discuss the implementation of building and carbon performance requirements.

Blake Shelide Blake Shelide Oregon Department of Energy
Billierae Engelman Billierae Engelman US Department of Energy
Sharon Jaye Sharon Jaye City of Denver
Nicole Ballinger Nicole Ballinger City of Seattle
10:45 am - 12:00 pm Pacific Tower, Seattle

The First Line of Defense – Connecting Building Performance Standards & Existing Building Commissioning

Maybe the first step to compliance doesn’t have to be difficult and expensive. This session will examine how existing building commissioning may offer an initial path to compliance.

Richard Best Richard Best Seattle Public Schools
Brendon Mattis Brendon Mattis EEI
Jessica Granderson Jessica Granderson Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Pacific Tower, Seattle

Networking Lunch

Note: the first two days of SBX 2024 (Aug 27th & 28th) are fully virtual and the third day (Aug 29th) is in-person in Seattle.